Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lesson 5: 100K - 150K = Broke

No matter what your income level...

If the amount you have out going is more...


Dave Ramsey is a great teacher of what to do with your money and how to keep more of it than you are now.  His radio show, podcast and iHeart Radio channel is devoted to helping everyone understand the pit falls of debit.  If you owe ANYONE, other than for your house, you might as well be sending your money through a shredder because your throwing away money you don't have too.  Check out Uncle Dave... He's the man!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lesson 4: Partying To Get Noticed

I hope that most of us would understand by now that 90% of the world's population has on their person at all times a camera of some sort.

Unless your new career choice is Porn Star it isn't a good idea to get naked, crawl on to the bed of a truck and proceed to fornicate with a bottle of whiskey in front of a crowd.  

Something in the back of my BRAIN screams..... 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lesson 1: What is common sense?

     Common sense is using that thing between your ears that helps you stand erect and breath.  Your brain!!!  
     So many human being on the planet don't use their brain for much of anything.  I see so many people doing stupid things I just have to wonder "What in the world where they thinking?"  I've asked myself that question so many time and meditated on the answer for so many years I think I have the answer....

     Have you ever been witness to a car driving so close to your rear that you can see the guys missing teeth in the rear view mirror?  And, as if that wasn't bad enough, but as you glance back you see a child jumping up and down in the front seat!!  You've got to be kidding me!!!  This guy not only doesn't care about his own safety but his kid, or heaven forbid someone else's kid, is unrestrained in the front seat and being a distraction to the driver.  What would happen if that kid fell and on his way down he grabbed the steering wheel trying to catch himself?

     So, now that I've ranted a bit... ^_^  Common Sense is the time it takes for you to rethink the stupid move your about to commit to history.  If more people would remember that everything they do will effect someone else for the good or the bad we would all be better off.  

      I will spend the bulk of these bogs talking about the things I see in my daily life and how you can keep them from happening to you.

Doing something stupid, does make you stupid.